General Information for Residents

10. Emergency procedures

Emergency Light and Power

Should the mains power fail,

  • the emergency generator will provide limited power
  • DO NOT use air conditioners, dishwashers, heaters, plug in ovens, etc
  • emergency power will NOT be provided to the units.
  • All emergency power will be directed to the fire control equipment, such as - air ducts, EXIT signs, fire escape lights and pumps

In the case of a fire alarm:

  • follow all instructions broadcast over the PA
  • do not use elevators
  • there is a register for people with mobility issues that need assistance. The fire doors used in the complex are such that, if the fire is not in your apartment and you cannot physically leave, wait inside for assistance.

Fire Doors

For your safety, the two fire doors leading from each lift lobby to the fire stairs MUST BE KEPT SHUT at all times.