General Information for Residents

4. Utilities


Residents are asked to join “All together group (previously meter2cash)” and contact them to arrange for electricity to be connected to the apartment.

In order for them to set your account up, please click the following link to complete the form,

The first thing it will ask for is the postcode of the site and once that is completed it will then ask to select which community it is for within that postcode range and "Broadwater Towers" would be the selected site.

Once this is completed the application form will continue on. Their phone contact is 1300 803 803


Water to your apartment is centrally metered with the cost being apportioned. Payment is made to Gold Coast city council with the owner's portion distributed in accordance with the appropriate unit entitlement. Individual water connection to the apartments is not required.

Telephone/ Internet

Every apartment is cabled for telephony services. You will need to contact a telecommunication provider directly for connection and additional extensions. NBN is available and is classified as "fiber to the building".