General Information for Residents
9. Parking
BWT has secure underground parking for residents. Some units also have secure lock up storage units. Please ensure you find out which number parking lot you have when you purchase your unit. The parking numbers do NOT match the unit numbers.
Outside of resident parking there are two parking areas for visitors and trades people.
Top parking area:
Parking in the top area is VISITOR parking only. Extended parking requests should be forwarded to the the manager. State name, lot number and registration number. Trades are not allowed to use the top area car park whether they conduct work for body corporate or lot owners.
Bottom parking area:
Parking in the bottom area is for trades parking only during the hours from 8.00 AM to 4 PM on weekdays. Outside of the times, and during the Christmas break when no renovations are allowed, parking is permitted by visitors with overnight parking requiring registration with the manager.
Parking in the top area is VISITOR parking only. Extended parking requests should be forwarded to the the manager. State name, lot number and registration number. Trades are not allowed to use the top area car park whether they conduct work for body corporate or lot owners.
Bottom parking area:
Parking in the bottom area is for trades parking only during the hours from 8.00 AM to 4 PM on weekdays. Outside of the times, and during the Christmas break when no renovations are allowed, parking is permitted by visitors with overnight parking requiring registration with the manager.
There is a carer parking spot available in the top
area car park – designated by blue parking lines. No other vehicle is
allowed to park in the carer’s car park.